Transmute Stress into Divine Guidance this Full Moon Gemini Skip to content


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Article: Transmute Stress into Divine Guidance this Full Moon Gemini

Transmute Stress into Divine Guidance this Full Moon Gemini

Transmute Stress into Divine Guidance this Full Moon Gemini

Satnam loves,  Myrah here for part 2 of my Full Moon in Gemini Insights for you.  I hope some of it is helpful for you in shifting and weaving with the times and what wonderful times they can be if we choose to see it.
As they say, we see the world as we are and not clearly as it is... following the lunation's brings us into a deeper connection with mother nature and her cycles.  And as we choose to see a broader and bigger perspective our day to day worries and problems can be overcome with ease and grace.
Full Moon In Gemini wants you to explore both sides of the equation.
Yin and Yang.
Light and Dark.
It's time to acknowledge our duality and transcend it... and we can use the influence of Mercury, the ruling planet of Gemini to recognize that inner push and pull of your masculine and feminine energies.
Mercury the ruler of Gemini is going to be square Chiron this full moon weekend. Which can and will activate  the urge to make a difference with the world.  This Mercury energy will help you to express something healing with the world, through your words and actions. 
Loves, this weekend and into next, let's put this energy to use, by making a difference in some way...
The message is to use your intuition... to transmute any stress you feel into divine guidance and through this guidance make a difference in someone's life.  If you want to end suffering, serve! When we are of service to others it's really hard to be down on ourselves there is this natural joyful fulfillment that goes deep into our hearts and permeates outwards in a way that actually ends up benefiting us more than the person/cause we are serving.
Here's something that is literally huge about this lunation to consider.
This final lunation of 2022 is 27 degrees Sagittarius, which is pointing to the Galactic Center of the universe at 27 degrees right now as well.
This full moon has our energy pointed at the galactic centre of our universe, which is a black hole, womb like energy.  This means we will have energy bursting with massive creative potential available to us during this full moon cycle!!
Expect deep passionate energy... it is being activated right now and through the full moon cycle with Gemini.
This is a big theme.
It is extremely powerful.. practically this will represent wise compassionate leadership and unconditional love in our lives.... let it flow!
This 27 degrees theme this Full Moon is like a reset button, that can bring you back to your centre still point. GO THERE!
It is supposed to be a reminder for us to reset and not judge ourselves... we don't want to blame, feel guilty during this time, it doesn’t help anything.
Moon will be trine to Jupiter, bringing in the incredibly positive and fortunate energy that the beautiful 
beautiful Jupiter ruler of Sagittarius brings...
So with this Jupiter energy here, if you don’t have anything high vibration to share verbally, mentally or that which you observe and hold onto... remember that
Jupiter will expand it!
Jupiter wants you to explore beyond your ordinary horizons!
She wants you to communicate in a joyful way, internally and externally. 
Again, I journalling is a wonderful practise right now.
For myself, I am going to give myself a 100 WISH Challenge from Today till the end of next week.
Simply write down free flow 100 wishes, every single day.  No judging and trying not to repeat a wish or perhaps communicating the wish in a new way.  The practise can take an hour or even 15 mins.  It's powerful as whatever you write during this time will certainly be amplified.
If you don't have that much time, try doing a daily writing practise with your gratitude journal.  Free flow write for 3-5 mins about everything you are grateful for in your life right now.
This lunation is going to help us all move in a high vibration way!
Loves, trust that the universe is supporting you.
You are making progress right now in all areas of your life.
Even though it may not seem so... it might be that you need to make some tweaks to your daily operating systems and habits.
Maybe you need to tweak the energy that you are emitting, the vibration you pulse out... as Jupiter will really amplify everything that is being reflected back to you right now.
Full Moon Gemini, brings this twins energy... the feminine/masculine way of being.
Be excited, as we will be able to course correct during this time.
This is the frequency we all have been asking for... which is clarity of direction and being able to adjust to our ever expanding greatness and destiny.
If a new opportunity, idea or person comes into your life right now... see it as a gift from the universe.  It is EXACTLY how it's supposed to be, because it is happening! 
Who is ready to accept the invitation?
I AM. I Certainly AM. 
I cannot wait to share my next full moon workshop with you this weekend.
Click here to RSVP and learn about what time it is in your timezone.
Love Love Love
Btw, have you seen our new Slow & Steady Collection?  I'm releasing new pieces almost everyday!
My fav thus far is the River Kaftan.  Do check it out!

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