Insights for new moms, 4 tips for natural motherhood Skip to content


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Article: Insights for new moms, 4 tips for natural motherhood

Insights for new moms, 4 tips for natural motherhood

Insights for new moms, 4 tips for natural motherhood

Becoming a mother.... Tips for new moms 

Becoming a mother is one of the most transformative and awakening moments of one's life. Through Kundalini, we believe in the Divine Mother. She is the creator, the bliss and the all-knowing that lies deep within us. 

You don’t have to experience a conventional pregnancy, or have children to awaken the Divine Mother within you. It is the God that is already there. 

Through the birthing experience a mother has created a new life. For the past nine months you have journeyed through highs and lows, including purges of sickness, changes in your hormones as well as the pains of labour. Each surge has turned you into a warrior, ready to love and protect your child. This expands to the world around you. 

It may be difficult to remember this power when you’re feeling tired, over touched and overwhelmed after you become a new mother. Now your purpose is to support a little human being who solely depends on you. This comes with such beauty, but also some new confrontations. 

In this blog I want to share my 4 top tips for new moms.

Being a mother of two myself and a qualified doula, I know the challenges you face. From the ecstatic feeling after giving birth, to the natural lows that come after it. It’s not about trying to beat the lows, but helping you swim through them instead of getting trapped at the bottom of despair.

1. Ask for support 

The most important thing for new moms is to ask for support so you can get rest. If you can create a sophisticated network of supportive family or friends that you trust, they can help take care of you, so you can take care of the baby. This can come in the form of an organised food drop and other duties such as cleaning that help you stay off your feet. 

2. Limiting wifi and information 

As a new mother it’s normal to go into an incubation bubble of you, baby and partner. You want your frequency to be at a higher level as you sustain new life. Limiting your wifi, internet and general information is a way to protect yourself from those electric magnetic airways that can sometimes suppress your natural megahertz. 

3. 40 days of Rest 

In Eastern cultures and Hinduism, it is recommended that the mother has forty days of rest. Instead of getting back to household chores, work or other activities she solely focuses on bonding and breastfeeding with her baby and creating a stable environment. This has many long term benefits for mother and baby, such as less anxiety, a healthy connection and an opportunity for your body to recover postpartum. 

4. Filling up your cup! 

Self-care can come in many different forms, both emotionally and physically. We’ve talked about keeping yourself at a higher frequency in regards to technology, but this also includes the people you surround yourself with and the events you choose to show up to. Listen to your mama instincts, they’ll always have the right answer. 

When it comes to physical self-care it can range from Yoni steams, helping you protect that open area, and belly binding, which helps provide support to your stomach and keeps your abdomen in place after birth. It can also be baths, massages and gentle exercise. 

What I’ve learnt from becoming a mother is that the journey never ends. We’re constantly evolving and growing as a parent and woman. Our children often reflect our past conditionings, enabling us to choose whether we want to carry on that maternal cycle or create an alternative path.

I myself have learnt that by losing control, I am actually stepping into freedom. 

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